Labdien topošais e-studiju vides MOODLE Lietotāj,
E-studijas paver vēl nepieredzēti plašas iespējas, kā pilnveidot tradicionālo skolu un augstskolu studiju vidi. Šajā sakarā daudzo elektronisko studiju platformu kontekstā MOODLE ir neapšaubāms līderis, kuru izmanto miljoniem studentu vairāk kā 200 valstīs. Tomašs Lasiks grib mūs iepazīstināt ar e-studiju platformas MOODLE jaunajām iespējām, izmantojot labi zināmos Lego klucīšus. Ļausim viņam to izdarīt, vispirms noskatoties zemāk piedāvāto prezentāciju, bet pēc tam paši uzbūvēsim kaut ko pārsteidzošu no Lego klucīšiem.
What is Moodle explained with Lego
Dear Moodle User,
“ Producing Moodle Websites
Here is what you should know:
E-studijas paver vēl nepieredzēti plašas iespējas, kā pilnveidot tradicionālo skolu un augstskolu studiju vidi. Šajā sakarā daudzo elektronisko studiju platformu kontekstā MOODLE ir neapšaubāms līderis, kuru izmanto miljoniem studentu vairāk kā 200 valstīs. Tomašs Lasiks grib mūs iepazīstināt ar e-studiju platformas MOODLE jaunajām iespējām, izmantojot labi zināmos Lego klucīšus. Ļausim viņam to izdarīt, vispirms noskatoties zemāk piedāvāto prezentāciju, bet pēc tam paši uzbūvēsim kaut ko pārsteidzošu no Lego klucīšiem.
What is Moodle explained with Lego
View more presentations from Tomaz Lasic
[hide]- 1 About Moodle
- 2 Installing Moodle
- 3 Managing a Moodle site
- 4 Managing a Moodle course
- 5 Managing content
Dear Moodle User,
Have you always wanted to create your own Moodle-based website?
What if I told you that you can produce Moodle websites like the ones created by top Moodle consultants and designers easily and quickly from the comfort of your home.... with the same techniques that leading Moodle consultants are using.
The good news is there's a sea change is sweeping across the learning management systems (LMS) industry, transforming thousands of lives and it a powerful software that allows the 'little guy' to make...
BEAUTIFUL and Fully Featured Moodle Websites WithMinimum Effort...
Listen carefully: If you're after a professional Moodle training that will allow you to create cutting-edge Moodle-based websites, and cannot afford big name Moodle consultants, then this might just be the most important letter you will ever read.
“ Producing Moodle Websites
Has Never Been THIS EASY... ”
Creating Moodle websites can be a time consuming endeavor and demanded that you spend thousands of dollars purchasing high-end consultations and training..
As a matter of fact, you needed hours and hours of time and most people, whether you are a professional or you're just starting out, don't have that kind of money to devote to high-end consultants.
But thats all about to change....
So to answer this question, and the queries of people just like you, I present to you...
But thats all about to change....
So to answer this question, and the queries of people just like you, I present to you...
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